Monthly Archives: 2月 2013

Should have followed my heart

by Aivboh



Oracle SQL Developer Settings

1 Language

Find sqldeveloper.conf or ide.conf under ide/bin. Add:

AddVMOption -Duser.language=en 

Restart app.

2 Installation

See Installation notes.

Java Settings

1 Development Kit

1.1 Windows

Download and execute .exe files.

1.2 Linux

Thanks “WebUpd8” team. Everything becomes simple.

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install oracle-java6-installer
sudo apt-get install oracle-java7-installer

2 Environment

2.1 Windows

JAVA_HOME = C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.7.0_05;

2.2 Linux

For example, (Manually installation need this though)

Set variables in profile.

sudo vim /etc/profile

Paste the following to the end of this file.

export JAVA_HOME
export JRE_HOME
export PATH

Add the new version of java, javac and javaws as an system alternative and give it priority 1.

sudo update-alternatives –install “/usr/bin/java” “java” “/usr/lib/java/[jdk]/bin/java” 1
sudo update-alternatives –install “/usr/bin/javac” “javac” “/usr/lib/java/[jdk]/bin/javac” 1
sudo update-alternatives –install “/usr/bin/javaws” “javaws” “/usr/lib/java/[jdk]/bin/javaws” 1

To config multiple versions.

sudo update-alternatives --config java
sudo update-alternatives --config javac
sudo update-alternatives --config javaws

Finally, put everything online.


3 IDE & Dev Issues

IntelliJ IDEA


The minimum of a team

Comment here,

The minimum of a team

Date N/A Gediminas Bukauskas

@Jason Programming Follows industry evolution: first cars and airplanes were constructed by 1-2 persons. Do you think that Boeing 737 could be built by one very good master? I agree with Hal Levy: it is impossible to find a person who knows every aspect of .NET – object is too wide.

I wrote – times of standalone programming genius are over, you need team for building enterprise applications. OK, I shall repeat here, you will need:

1. Professional designer that knows GUI building principals, knows and loves working with graphical editors,

1. Front-end programmer for moving picture to HTML, XAML; he must know CSS3, HTML5, XAML, one of JavaScript environments; there are many different JavaScript libraries and nobody knows all of them,

1. Back-end programmer like me; this person will be responsible for mapping your business ideas to database tables, creating business rules, transmitting data from client side to database and back.

1. Tests designer – this person must think day and night about making the system full, write scripts for doing that and launch the scripts on every new release of the application.

1. Project manager – person who knows object of automation, contacts with customer and maps customer’s dream into collection of diagrams (UML).

Don’t start programming at all once you could not collect this absolutely minimal set of employees – your project will fail.

Interviews and Interviewing

Jim Fawcett © copyright 2011

Clipped on 19-September-2011, 1 : 38 PM from

Here we discuss the process of preparing for, and getting, interview invitations, and conducting yourself during interviews.

  1. Preparing for Interviews:
    • Study your strengths: focus on what you already do well and tune up all those skills. If that isn’t enough you probably won’t get an offer. There isn’t much point in cramming some technical area you don’t know trying to quickly learn something you think is important. The first question will make all of what you crammed vanish. Even if that doesn’t happen a competent interviewer will quickly find out that you don’t really know much.
      Make sure that you can speak clearly and passionately about any of the projects you’ve listed in your resume for 1 minute and also for 5 minutes. So you can quickly and clearly summarize what you built and it’s importance, and you can also go into some detail about its design and implementation, what you think is interesting about the design and any additions that might make sense.
    • Practice writting code: Write code for an hour a day for two weeks before the interview. Do little examples, e.g., create a linked list, manipulate strings, use exception handling, … You may be asked to stand up at a white board and write some code. You want to be able to do the without much hesitation.
      It’s a good idea to reflect back to the interviewer what she’s asked you to do: “O.K., you’ve asked me to create a linked list. I’m going to do that in C++, creating nodes on the heap and ….”. If you aren’t sure about something the interviewer asked for, ask for clarification as you get to that part.
    • Look over your notes on Algorithms and Data Structures: Know why search in a linked list is linear, why sorting an array leads to log n performance with binary search, why you get order 1 performance doing a lookup in a hashtable. Be able to sketch out diagrams for hashtables and maps based on binary trees. Have the basic idea of how a binary tree is balanced and why you should be interested in that.
    • Summarize technologies important to the interviewing company: it is very useful to quickly survey an area important to the interviewing company that you don’t know much about. Your goal is not to learn the technicalities, but to be able to show that you know a little about it and that gives you the opportunity to express interest in learning more. That helps stop you from saying something obviously naive about things important to the interviewer. Again, you are not trying to learn the details – just get an idea of what the area is all about and why it is important.
    • Prepare a list of 10 questions to ask: how long are typical projects, will I get to see the whole project life cycle, will I work with a team or under the guidance of a mentor? What is it like to live here? Are there interesting things to see and do? Never pull the list out of your pocket and read it. It doesn’t matter if you ask all the questions your thought of. What matters is that you are interested enough to ask questions and the questions make sense.
    • Don’t worry about puzzle questions! Most interviewers won’t ask puzzles, and those that do will simply want to see some logical thinking on your part – can you break down a problem into digestible parts and do something useful with them. Think how you would respond to the question “How many gallons of gasoline were consumed in the United States yesterday?”
    • Be prepared for a couple of Behavioral Interview Questions: Questions like “Think about a time when you had to work with a very difficult person and describe how you turned that situation into a productive working relationship. It is a fad in the HR community to ask these questions. The trick is not to be surprised. If you’ve made up 3 or 4 for these types of questions and figured out how you would respond – in simple terms, then you will be as well prepared for that as you can be. Don’t go looking at the Behavior Interview websites and try to memoryize their answers. It is very unlikely you will be asked any of those. Just don’t be surprised if you get these questions and don’t get flustered.
  1. Conducting yourself during an interview:
    • Listen carefully: don’t sit there thinking about how you are going to respond. Just listen carefully. If you do, your answers will take care of themselves.
    • Be pleased to be there and show it! Be friendly, be interested, and do not be terrified. If you smile, listen, and ask questions it’s easy for the interviewer to think “Yeah, I’d like to work with this person”. If you’re quaking in your boots it’s awfully easy for the interviewer to think “No, I don’t think I want to work with this person”.
    • Wear nice cloths: It’s much better to be over-dressed than under-dressed. A jacket, tie, and chinos are fine if you interview anywhere outside of New York City. Wear a suit in NYC. Don’t wear jeans and sneakers, even if you’re interviewing at Microsoft. You can always take off your tie between interview sessions if everyone is casual.
    • You are interviewing the whole day, even when you are being welcomed by HR, when they take you to lunch or dinner, and when they are walking you to the next interview. Be friendly, interested, and listen all day. Ask questions whenever there is a lull in the conversation.
    • If HR or an interviewer offers his hand smile and shake it with medium firmness – no limp dishrag and no bone crusher. Practice with your friends before you go.
    • Send a very brief “Thank You” to the HR person or hiring manager who extended the invitation to interview. E-mail is ok if you have that, a two sentence hand-written note in a nice plain (non-business) envelope also works.
  1. Getting Interviews:
    • Make a list of companies You need a list of possibilities. Take notes at Career Fairs, look on Orange Link. Look at the Graduates Page on this website. There are almost one hundred student bio paragraphs there and almost all of them mention the companies they work for. Go to those company websites and see if they have job openings. Search papers like NY Times, Washington Post, San Franciso Chronicle, San Jose Sun-Mercury, etc.
    • Go to their websites Look for job postings and always respond with an email or cover letter that cites the job number. For the most important ones you can add a cover letter that has two paragraphs. The first paragraph shows that you know what big things they are working on, and the second states clearly that you are interested in those projects and why you think you are a good candidate to work on them. You can find out information like that by searching on the company name at newspaper and news magazine websites. Note that a good cover letter is as much about the company as it is about you.
      A cover letter should never repeat what is in your resume (which is attached) but may refer to that information: “You will see from my resume that I have experience (or have relevant graduate education) in …”.
    • Have a well constructed resume’ Make sure your resume is neat, very well organized and readable, has relevant information, and is absolutely honest – do not exaggerate!
      Have an objective that is a simple statement of what you want, e.g., “Seeking employment as a software developer doing design, implementation, and test in a current technology.” Forget the balony – “Seeking opportunity to deploy my highly developed technical and amazing interpersonal skills …”
      Provide a consise summary of your education, including GPA if it is higher than 3.2. Describe briefly any prior working experience if you have that, and provide brief descriptions of several of your projects.
      Make sure your address, phone number, and email are next to your name at the top of the page. Contrary to what you may have been told your resume may be longer than one page, but not more than two. If it is more than one it should be at least one and a half pages long.
      Here is a good example: Dhaval Trivedi
    • Send Dave DiMaggio an email with your resume attached if you are looking for work/study. Explain briefly your areas of interest and how far along you are in your program. There are far more students who want work/study than there are opportunities. However, there are enough that it is worth you time to contact, and perhaps make an appointment with Dave.
      Please do not pester him with weekly emails. That is very counter productive. Making an appointment with him once a semester makes sense especially if you make a communal appointment for you and four or five friends so Dave doesn’t get overwhelmed with appointments.
    • Put your resume’ on Monster, Dice, … These have relatively low probability of success, but if you do lots of low probability things the overall probability of success goes up.
    • Go to the On-Campus Career Fair There will be a career fair this October – look on Orange Link for dates. Microsoft always comes and there are always many other companies. So plan to have a good resume prepared by then.
    • Be careful of your course load! Doing well with your courses should be your first priority. If you start interviewing too much too soon, you can damage your program by spending too much time preparing for and taking interviews and not enough time on your course work.
      It’s a really good strategy to spend a very modest amount of time seeking internship opportunities – go to our Career Fair, some of the information meetings, and take two or three inteviews if they are offered.
      Save most of the effort to find full-time employment for your last semester when you are only taking one or two courses. Try to arrange your schedule so you are only taking one. Begin the intense part of your search over the break before that semester.
  1. Talk to Dave DiMaggio:

Dave handles work/study relationships with local companies.

  1. Talk to me:

I’ll be pleased to critique your resume and cover letters, talk to you before your interviews, and help in any other way I can.

  1. Don’t expect others to hand you opportunities:

Landing a job you are really pleased with will take effort on your part. You are responsible for your career now and later.

Do’s and don’ts for interns

Clipped on 29-June-2011, 8 : 57 PM from

  • Check out your chances. Ask how many interns are made permanent. If the answer is very few, this may indicate that interns are seen as a cheap expedient, rather than as future employees.
  • Establish the ratio of interns to staff. A high ratio can be a sign that the employer’s business model is unsustainable.
  • Check the work will be relevant. Also check what training you will receive and who will manage you.
  • Decide if the internship will develop your skills. Is it merely a job someone else would have to do? Ben Lyons, co-director of campaigners Intern Aware, says he has come across advertisements for “intern receptionists and cooks”.
  • Don’t be lured into working set hours without pay. Working flat-out can leave you no time to search for salaried employment.
  • Don’t be afraid to look at other options. Becky Heath, co-founder of campaign group Internocracy, says that volunteering may teach you more than a business that treats interns as free labor.


Posted for serving as records. No comment. 



2011-08-17 11:25:29 思维



2)越南:部分西沙群岛,部分老山。1965年,为了支援越南的抗美战争,周恩来和越南总理范文同签署协议,将我国北部湾里的白龙尾岛(越南称夜莺岛),出借给越南政府,让其在上面修建雷达基地,作为预警轰炸河内的美国飞机。这个岛屿,至今越南没有归还。北部湾是个圆形的,世界少有的辽阔的大海湾。白龙尾岛就是这个圆心,有了它,简直可以轻易控制整个北部湾。自古就是中国领土。最近北部湾划界,白龙尾岛已经划到了越南海域内。看来要回来也难了。 1999年12月30日,签订《中国和越南陆地边界条约》,云南老山和广西法卡山划归越南。

3)蒙古及周围:“中蒙友好协议” 蒙古独立,部分周边土地被俄国吞并。1945年8月14日,中国新任外交部长王世杰与苏联外交人民委员莫洛托夫在莫斯科签署了《中苏友好同盟条约》。这是日本宣布投降前一天,王世杰声明在日本战败后,如外蒙古公投证实蒙古人民独立之愿望,中国政府承认外蒙独立。1945年10月,外蒙古举行公投。1946年1月,根据投票结果,中国政府承认了外蒙独立。由于1950年2月14日,中国的共产党政府与苏联签订了《中苏友好同盟互助条约》。中国的国民党政府在1945年8月与苏联签订的《中苏友好同盟条约》因当事方苏联一方违约而终止,所以,后来退居台湾的国民党政府仍然坚持“外蒙古是中国不可分割的一部份”。1949年10月,中华人民共和国与蒙古人民共和国建立了外交关系,1961年10月,蒙古加入了联合国。1962年12月26日,中蒙两国签订了边界条约。2000年12月3日,外电报导说,蒙古国的大呼拉尔日前讨论了一项提议,提出把蒙古并入中国,成为中国的一部份,以及蒙古与中国建立联邦国家。在二十一世纪,蒙古是否会与中国合并或组成联邦国家,完全取决于中蒙两国人民的意愿,从国际法上说,中国已无权要求收复外蒙的土地。

4)朝鲜:部分长白山和天池的一半。1962年,金日成以长白山是自己在日本殖民朝鲜时打游击的地方,希望中国能了解朝鲜人民对此地的革命感情,将长白山划给朝鲜。当时毛泽东反苏,在共产国际里很孤立,为争取朝鲜成为反苏盟友,同意把长白山的一角(有说是1/2,另个说法是53% )和八个山峰中的三个划给了朝鲜,这就是1962年中朝边界协议的来源。


远在英国人知道珠穆朗玛峰之前,中国已经对她作了勘察和测量。比英国人早了一百四十年,清代的三名官员,在绘制西藏地图时,就把珠穆朗玛峰载入了铜版的《皇舆全览图》。“舆”指广阔的土地,《易经。说卦》曰,“坤为地,为大舆”。 “皇舆”就是皇家的土地,“舆图”就是地图,在古文里常作“疆土”。但《辞海》不能明着告诉读者,我们打倒了皇帝,顺带也卖了他的家当。后来中国和巴基斯坦谈判边界问题时,巴基斯坦援引珠穆朗玛峰的先例,把喀喇昆仑山的主峰乔戈里峰(即西方登山界所称的K2,海拔8611米,世界第二高峰)割走了一半。






北洋军阀政府也没有放弃索回被帝俄侵占领土的权利。在中华民国历史上,1912年到1928年,北洋军阀的各个派系先后控制着北京政府。1916年至1928年间就有三十八届内阁。《中苏解决悬案大纲协定》是在“贿选总统”曹锟时期的北京政府与苏联政府签订的。苏联谈判代表是代理外交人民委员卡拉汉,中国的谈判代表是中俄交涉督办王正廷。王正廷主张先解决中苏两国间的“悬案”,然后承认苏联。卡拉汉则表示,在中国未承认苏联前,不能正式谈判。1924年3月16日后,北京政府撤销了王正廷职务和“中俄交涉督办公署”,由外交总长顾维钧直接与卡拉汉交涉和会谈,1924年5月21日正式签署了《中苏解决悬案大纲协定》。《中苏解决悬案大纲协定》是中俄、中苏两国间在十九世纪后半叶签订了一系列“不平等条约”后的一个“平等条约”。协定规定在签字后一个月内,双方举行会议,并在这一会议中“将中国政府与前帝俄政府所订一切条约概行废止,根据相互平等原则及苏俄两次对华宣言的精神,重新订约”。协定规定,“苏联废除帝俄政府与第三国订立的妨碍中国主权及利益的一切条约与协定,双方声明以后任何一方均不订立有损对方主权和利益的协定。” 根据国际法原则,《中俄瑷珲条约》、《中俄北京条约》等依靠武力或武力威胁强加中国的,并因此侵占了中国150万平方公里的条约,中国有权不承认,有权要求废除。1924年《中苏解决县案大纲协定》签订后几个月,“贿选总统”曹锟在军阀混战中倒台,接着段祺瑞任“临时执政”,一年半后,北伐战争爆发。中苏两国边界的“悬案”实际上并未解决,这与苏联不遵守《中苏解决悬案大纲协定》有关,与中国局势不断变动有关。




No comment.

Source was removed at unknown date.



2011-03-21 08:36:10 AK

底层的人们乐于相信,等级是由一个人拥有的财富多少来作为标准的。生活在中层的人们承认金钱与等级差别有关,但一个人所受的教育和从事的工作类型 同样重要。接近上层的人们认为品味、价值观、生活格调和行为方式是判断等级身份不可或缺的标准,而对金钱、职业或受教育程度则未加考虑。——保罗·福塞尔 《格调》









燕参鲍翅都是骗不明真相的人的,谁吃谁SB!南满这边的海滩都是黑社会洗钱的地方,养海参大量的投放抗生素有没有!法国菜是ONS勾搭党吃的,水 饺和美式快餐适合一个人。那么黑社会吃什么?槟榔?那是东北人吃的么?!东北人吃肥牛火锅!一大帮人围坐着,边吃边聊天热气腾腾的,很有气势!另外,去乡 下吃鲜鱼。鱼一定要鲜活,不放佐料,清水煮。或者生鱼片蘸辣根酱!一般黑社会都是中午起床吃鱼,下午去洗桑那,然后喝茶喝到天黑。晚饭去吃火锅,吃到12 点以后睡觉。所以要想当一个合格的黑社会,一定要随身携带辣根酱。不管吃什么食品,哪怕是巧克力,也要蘸辣根!这样才显出英雄本色!

黑社会当然要穿黑衣服!黑风衣?你当这是黑客帝国么?只有豆瓣哀乐哥这样的艺术家才穿黑风衣!黑社会穿黑色的羽绒服!羽绒服越宽说明这个人的地位 越高。因为大哥不走偏门!必须走正门!羽绒服不够宽的都是胡同里背后拍人板砖的小喽罗!南极考察船雪龙号制服你能搞到么?搞不到又想装逼怎么办?普通羽绒 服穿两件!黑色的那件穿外面!一头大汗怎么办?里面少穿啊!不会光着膀子穿羽绒服么?!







“Running for political office was the hardest thing I have ever done,” Whitman tells Businessweek. “When things seem challenging here, I go back to that.”

An interesting point in this article. There seems to be some translation misunderstandings in the some chinese posts of this report. But still thoughtful.